Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Interesting old photo

Fellow Moth Boater Mike Jones found this interesting old photo on flea-bay and asked if I could identify the sailors and venue.  The venue is almost certainly south Florida, but which coast?  I can ID the two closest boats:  Lucky Duck, Nr 1264 first turns up in the old Moth Class records in the year 1951.  She was owned by Miami YC member Charles Phillips.  Lucky Duck is interesting because she sports a boom vang which seems very advanced for the early 1950s.  Nr 1350 is Charlie Hunt's Moth Twilight.  Both boats are round bilge designs with Twilight appearing to be a scaled down copy of a Thistle class dinghy.  The last boat, obscured by Twilight, might be Nr 1256, in which case she'd be Lewis Twitchell's Fluid Drive (Twitchell like Phillips was a MYC member) or she could be Nr 1356 in which case she would be Irene Futcher's boat Sirene.  Futcher sailed with the St. Pete Moth Fleet while Hunt sailed with a small group in Lake Wales, FL called the Dawn Sailing Squadron.  Perhaps a Floridian viewer can provide more details.  Click on the photo to enlarge.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you enjoyed it. Can you add anything to flesh out this story?
