Fellow Moth Boat sailor Joe Bousquet has been encouraging some of the junior sailors on the high school sailing team where he teaches to give Classic Moths a try. To further that end I've been passing freebie Moth Boats to Joe. Earlier I gave him a boat which a lot of people thought was beyond rescue but Joe has already repaired the holes in the bottom and in the fore deck. He indicates that it will be ready in time for next season.
I blogged about this poor ol' boat earlier. Most people who looked said it was too rough to plant flowers in. Joe B. plans to get her sailing by spring. |
More recently Rich Larson, up on Long Island emailed me to say that he wanted to donate a Moth which his daughter was no longer using. This boat was in much better condition that the boat above and included a road going trailer and a custom cover. All someone had to do was come get the boat. After talking with Joe B., diaristdaughter and I hit the road for New York.
For reasons known only to the programmers of Garmin GPS units, our little gizmo decided instead of the GW Bridge that we should take the Lincoln Tunnel and go smack down 42nd St and then to the Queens Midtown Tunnel. |
The entrance to the QM Tunnel was blocked and by the time I realized that fact we had passed the detour. We looped around, trading pleasantries with the Taxi Cabs and saw lots of big buildings of which I'm only vaguely familiar. Is this one the Chrysler Building? I think it is. |
We eventually got to Rich's house on Long Island. We were only a little bit late! The rain magically stopped during the time we were actively hitching up the trailer and transferring boat gear from the garage to my wagon.
This Mk II Fletcher-Cates (blue hull closest to the camera) is in relatively good condition. |
The Mk II version featured roll tank style decks while using the same hull as the standard version. Originally this boat had a center main traveler rather than the current aft bridle. |
Before leaving, we picked Rich's brain for some handwritten instructions to override our GPS. I didn't fancy another ride down 42nd St., this time towing a wonky boat trailer with old dry rotted tires. No, this bridge isn't the one you're thinking of. This one is the Manhattan Bridge. |
Here's the one you're thinking of. Now, if you're interested in this bridge, be sure to ask me about my portfolio of prime Florida real estate. | |
We avoided downtown but every time I turned around we were going over another bridge, this one's the Verrazano Bridge--and no, none of these bridges are free. I dread seeing my ezpass statement. Sigh--the things I do for juniors sailors. At least the sky was getting brighter in the direction we were headed. |
The next morning. Yes, we eventually did get home in one piece. I had brought two wheels/tires plus tools in case the old tires gave out but thankfully they didn't. A week later, I helped Joe B. change wheels before he set out from my house in Maryland to go back to Norfolk, VA. We had to use a sledge hammer to free one of the wheels from it's hub! |
She looks good with her travel cover in place. |
The following weekend Joe came to collect the boat. He decided to stick on some reflective tape in case the tail lights decided to go on holiday. |
Joe B. ready for the Grand Depart. I'm the one who should be smiling--this boat came and went while my wife was out of town! |
And yes, Joe also had an uneventful trip. Perhaps this is a lucky boat. Hopefully I'll see a new junior sailor in her next racing season. |