I love pondering over old Moth Boat photos. Brad Linthicum, a sail maker in southern New Jersey was cleaning out his files and sent me the two photographs shown here. He couldn't remember why he had them or who had sent them to him. Fifty years is a long time.
This first photo is of David Bowen who, according to a note on the back side of the photo was the 1967 Australian Champion. Further web searching reveals that David achieved this distinction sailing Mystique. The notation doesn't indicate whether or not the boat seen here is Mystique or perhaps one of his other scow Moths. Can any reader confirm or discount that theory? Also, can anyone reveal the design of the boat in the photo or the place where this photo was taken? Note the interesting "walking stick" mast. |
This second photo is of Peter Holmes. At least that's what's written on the back of the photo. Peter was the New South Wales Champion in 1966. The boat's design and name are not mentioned. Mr. Holmes does seem very fit in this photograph! Can anyone make out the venue? The boat's sail number may be 2377 but it isn't entirely clear from this view. I'd love to hear more about these old pictures so please comment if you can add to the story. |
Update from Peter Moor:
photo is David Bowen with pocket luff hockey stick mast. Mystique was a
manta ray "mouldie" - probably 3 layers of diagonally planked
Australian red cedar. 2nd photo could be Peter Holmes also on a
"mouldie" with a square top pocket luff sail which took over from the
hockey stick masts because of their relative simplicity. Both photos
Sydney Harbour Seaforth Moth Club, late 60s. NB; No wings or sun
For those curious about the location of the Seaforth Moth Club paste Captain Barnacles' map link (found below, in the comments for this post). Thanks to both commenters!