Last weekend was British Car Day at Lilypons Water Gardens up at Adamstown, Maryland. This garden was originally started as a fish farm to supply koi to rich people's garden ponds and later, after water lilies were added to the products offered, was named after Lily Pons, a mid-1930s opera star. Lilypons has several demonstration ponds with lilies and has hosted the local British Car Day for several years. You can read a canned history of the place here:
There were many fine cars on display at Lilypons. What follows is just the tip of the iceberg.
This year's featured marque was Jaguar. 2011 is the 50th anniversary of the XKE. Where the hell did 50 years go? I remember reading about these cars in magazines as a teenager. |
The Morgan display included this early 1930s Aero three-wheeler. |
Up the hill from the Morgans I found this clean Turner Mk III. This is one of only 14 in the U.S. |
Bentley owners take their picnics seriously. |
Avez vous du Grey Poupon? |
This is a '47 YT MG. |
I like the "dinner plate" instruments. The bucket seats in the Y-types look more comfortable than the bench seats in the T-type roadsters. |
Here's a '49 TC for comparison. Sleek and racy. Love the 19" wire wheels. |
This TC special looks vaguely like a Lotus 7. |
Another view of the TC vintage racer. |
A Series One Lotus Elan.
This PITA blog spot is giving me fits. It wants the next pix mid-way up the page instead of here! I'll post this part and start a second page.
Great photos ...